Social Media Content (SMC) is a rich source of evidence.  Photos and posts shed light on claims of disability and damages, establish malicious intent and support challenges to parental fitness–to say nothing of criminals who post selfies at crime scenes or holding stolen goods, drugs and weapons.  SMC may expose propensity to violence, hate speech, racial animus, misogyny or mental instability (even at the highest levels of government).  SMC is increasingly a medium for business messaging and the primary channel for cross-border communications.  In short, SMC and messaging are heirs-apparent to e-mail in their importance to e-discovery.

Competence demands swift identification and preservation of SMC.

Screen shots of SMC are notoriously unreliable, tedious to collect and inherently unsearchable.  Applications like X1 Social Discovery and service providers like Hanzo can help with SMC preservation; but frequently the task demands little technical savvy and no specialized tools.  Major SMC sites offer straightforward ways users can access and download their content.  Armed with a client’s login credentials, lawyers, too, can undertake the ministerial task of preserving SMC without greater risk of becoming a witness than if they’d photocopied paper records.

Collecting your Client’s SMC
Collecting SMC is a two-step process of requesting the data followed by downloading.  Minutes to hours or longer may elapse between a request and download availability. Having your client handle collection weakens the chain of custody; so, instruct the client to forward download links to you or your designee for collection.  Better yet, do it all yourself.

Obtain your client’s user ID and password for each account and written consent to collect. Instruct your client to change account passwords for your use, re-enabling customary passwords following collection.  Clients may need to temporarily disable two-factor account security.  Download data promptly as downloads are available briefly.

Collection Steps for Seven Social Media Sites
Facebook: After login, go to Settings>Your Facebook Information>Download Your Information.  Select the data and date ranges to collect (e.g., Posts, Messages, Photos, Comments, Friends, etc.).  Facebook will e-mail the account holder when the data is ready for download (from the Available Copies tab on the user’s Download Your Information page). Facebook also offers an Access Your Information link for review before download.

Twitter: After login, go to Settings and Privacy>Your Twitter Data>Download Your Twitter Data.  Re-enter the password and choose Request Archive.  Twitter will e-mail the account holder when a compressed file holding the data is ready for download.  Twitter permits one archive retrieval a month. 

Google: Go to, select Use Another Account and login to client’s account.  Choose Data and Personalization>Download Your Data.  Select data to include (be sure your client has expressly authorized collection) and the archival format (e.g., zip).  Google will e-mail the account holder when a compressed file holding the data is ready for download.

Instagram: Login and go to the user’s profile.  Select the gear icon (Settings), then Privacy and Security>Request Download. The data will be in JSON format inside a compressed file.  Once decompressed, it can be viewed using any free online JSON parser.

LinkedIn: Login and select Me>Settings and Privacy.  Under the Privacy tab, choose Getting a Copy of Your Data and the specific data sought.  If uncertain, choose Download Larger Data Archive.  Click Request Archive.

Snapchat: Login at and select My Data>Submit Request.

Tumblr: Login and select Account>Settings>Privacy>Request Privacy Data. The downloaded data will be in a compressed file in JSON format.

Review and Authentication
SMC is often voluminous and encoded in unfamiliar formats like JSON.  So, as with other information collected in e-discovery, the competent way to index, search, review and tag electronic evidence is by use of e-discovery review tools, e.g., Relativity, iConect Xera, Logikcull, Everlaw, Exterro, Insight, CloudNine, Disco, NextPoint, Ipro, Lexbe, Z-Discovery, Ringtail, etc., etc., etc.

Though not essential, it’s prudent to calculate a hash value for preserved SMC to demonstrate its integrity.  See, e.g., FRE 902(13) and (14).  A hash value is a digital fingerprint of data.  If the hash value obtained when the data was collected matches the hash value when used, the data is demonstrably unchanged.  Many hashing tools can be downloaded online at no cost.

Caveat: There are no “guest passes” to social media accounts.  When you log in as the account holder, you stand in the account holder’s shoes.  Keep good records of access and note what you did while logged in.  Likewise, never seek or consent to access an opponent’s social media account using opponent’s credentials or you open yourself up to claims that you added or altered content.